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Our Rabbits are available for meat, pet, breeding, and laboratory/research purposes, we are building a rabbit farm business that will become the pacesetter for rabbit farming business in Nigeria. Rabbit waste remains the best organic fertilizer for farmers, this will allow the farmers to conduct entirely organic farming and reduce the costs of buying expensive industrial fertilizers.


Chicken is valued because they are easy keepers and quite useful, they have been part of farmyards for about 5,000 years, since first being domesticated in Asia from a wild bird known as Red Junglefowl, different breeds of chickens have been developed for different purposes, you can place them into three general categories: Laying, meat-producing and dual-purpose breeds. At Favor poultry farm we breed for three purposes; we take very good care of our chick with appropriate feed and medication for successful offspring and healthy consumption.


There are thousands of snail species in the world, these snail types are into groups which include land snails, sea snails, and freshwater snails. We specialize in the land snail, our Snails are available for meat, breading, and laboratory/research purposes. We breed our snails in a clean and healthy environment and on request we also process the snails for ready cooking/consumption.


Turkey owners describe the birds as surprisingly affectionate, allowing themselves to be carried around and choosing to hang out with their human companions instead of shying away. At Favor’s Farm turkeys are raised primarily for their meat (consumption). The appropriate feed and medication are given to these birds to ensure the quality production of meat. We provide a very good healthy environment for these birds to ensure their survival for them.


Grasscutter, as it is popularly called in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, and other regions of West Africa, the peoples of west Africa and other parts of the world utilize it as a food source, it is also commonly referred to as bushmeat in West Africa, its meat is succulent, delicious, and low in cholesterol. People farm it, and with a space as small as a room you can start breeding them, the gestation period for grasscutters is 152 days, and they are one of the most economical bush-meat producers. Favor’s farm is into the rearing of grass-cutters based on the low cost of production, and high nutritional and health benefits, and has also become a much-demanded animal for business and consumption in Nigeria.

Black soldier fly (BSF)- Hermetia illucens

The black soldier fly (BSF) is a sleek-looking fly that has been proposed an American origin and can now be found almost everywhere in the world. Black Soldier Fly farming is presently the most widespread form of insect farming in the world and it is currently a rising star in the world of sustainable farming because it provides a sustainable source of protein and requires a minimum of space and production cost.

Black soldier flies are non-pathogenic and do not pose any risk to humans, animals, and the environment. BSF undergoes five main stages in its life cycle; egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult states. The longest phase of its life cycle is spent in the larva and pupa stages. Females lay between 400 and 900 eggs in any cranny or interstice of any kind near the substrate.

BSF will help farmers in various forms and facets to conduct agricultural activities in a safer, cheap, sustainable, and environmentally friendly manner. The BSF frass is one of the best organic fertilizers, the shell is useful in mulching, while the larvae can be used to feed fishes, and chickens and be used as feed ingredients as crude protein.

Fumigation/Pest Control Services

This is to help keep homes, offices, and environs free from unwanted pests. Fumigation is one of the most common ways of dealing with a multitude of all unwanted pests. Pests can be embarrassing, disturbing, and dangerous. Many insects are omnivorous e.g. cockroaches, they can feed on human food, soiled surfaces, organic material in drains, and other pathogen-laden environments. This means that they can be vectors of serious diseases. Food poisoning caused by insects is a small example but a true threat to our health, homes, and businesses. In light of this, we offer a professional pest control service (aimed at curbing Rats, mice, Bed Bugs, Ants, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Termites, Snakes, and all household creeping/flying pests).

We have vast experience in this field and the skills to offer excellent services and high levels of customer satisfaction with the use of highly refined pesticides. The pesticides used especially indoors are not only environmentally friendly but are usually odorless and stainless.

We are committed to the provision of quality services by well-trained and supervised staff observing safe-working practices designed to protect the health and safety of all our customers, our employees, and the public. Securing this commitment is an important management objective that contributes to our business performance.

We ensure that adequate arrangements are made to maintain a written health and safety management system. The management system identifies the responsibilities of all technicians and details the arrangements both for the control of hazards that could arise from the activities of their operations and the communication of health and safety matters. The system also includes arrangements for monitoring and reviewing health and safety performance not only to comply with legal requirements but also to secure progressive improvements.

Other Services

Post construction cleaning
Periodic home deep cleaning
Janitorial services
Agricultural business plan consultant
Farm set-up consultant
Training of all our services and products


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